State of the Square: February 2021

Welcome to February! We’re only a single month into the year yet and it’s already been a long, strange trip for a number of people. But we’re here for the ride, no matter how long and strange it might be.
First up – last month I mentioned that there would be regular battlemap uploads based around themes. Part way through the month it became apparent to me that, with my current workflow, I couldn’t keep doing those and work on everything else I want the site to have at the same time. So, as I announced part way through the month on our Twitter, the regular timing of those battlemaps will change; as I continue to create them for use in my campaigns, I will continue to post them here but I won’t be making them just for the sake of making them.
In January, I started posting reviews of game systems, getting both Interstitial – Our Hearts Intertwined and Lancer reviews up. If you missed them, give them a read over – both of those systems are absolutely amazing! Those two went up on weekend days – moving forward, I’m aiming to post reviews of that type during the week, likely on Wednesdays.

Speaking of Interstitial – I also started a “Games to Watch” segment with a glowing review of Kingdom Hearts: The Interstitial War from Carrion Comfort Studios. (If you haven’t read the review or watched the series yet, what are you waiting for? Since the review was posted, there have been two even more amazing sessions!) These type of reviews will be less frequent as it takes awhile to listen to or watch the games to get a sense of what I think of them. Look for them every couple weeks, likely on Fridays.
Also started was a series on getting started with RPGs with our first post being a very ground level where to begin. This series will continue going forward – I’m already overdue on the second such article but expect it fairly soon.
Now, let’s move on to things happening in the future!
Possibly the most exciting thing I’m looking forward to in the near future is our new actual play featuring the Lancer system! Starting soon, An Interesting Day will air on our new Twitch channel. I’ll be sitting down in the Game Master chair and we’ve got some (hopefully) enjoyable times lined out. Joining me on this journey will be Ender (he/him, @Ender_Melchior on Twitter), Kuri (she/her, @kuripants on Twitter and Kuributt on Twitch), and Zev (he/him, @vucarigaming on Twitter and Vucari-Gaming on YouTube). We’ll also be joined by Shino Brando of the Nerd Crusade podcast when schedules line up. We are super excited to get this underway.
To top that off, I’ll occasionally be streaming with narrative heavy games on the channel as well, supplementing the site.
So, that’s our quick discussion for what’s going on here at the Square in the coming month. Hope to see you back next month!