
About Five Foot Square

Here at The Five Foot Square, gaming is our thing and working on bringing you the best content we can about our favourite type of gaming – tabletop – is something we love to do.

Who We Are

Rian Allan

Rian Allan

Hey folks – I’m Rian, a 30-something programmer, writer, and tabletop enthusiast. I’ve been playing tabletop games for nearly thirty years and have been running them for over twenty of that. I absolutely love this hobby and those adjacent to it – such as miniature gaming – and thought it was time to turn that love into something I can give back to the communities I’ve been a part of all these years.

You can find me at @RedWizardRian on Twitter.

General Kenobi
The Flash

Flash & General Kenobi

Here at the Five Foot Square we take looking after yourself seriously – and our Joint Chiefs of Food and Naps ensure that everyone here sleeps, wakes, and eats at the appropriate times. They strongly encourage us, and everyone, to take regular afternoon naps.

You can find more of Flash and Kenobi (and their rat sisters) over on their Instagram.