From Reviews to Reflections: Our Journey Continues

So – it’s 2025.
Wait, wait, wait – what do you mean it’s 2025? I just posted here… oh, it’s been seventeen months. Well, this is awkward. Right then.
Where We’ve Been
Look – it’s clear what I was planning to do with the site at the start isn’t working out. Once upon a time, I set out to do regular reviews of systems and actual plays. Heck, I was even trying to run some of my own game series.
Since I opened it up in mid-2020, though, I’ve moved from self-employed to working full-time for someone else. While that’s going well, it’s pretty much devoured the amount of time I once had. I barely have time to think about games some days, let alone run them. I’ve had mixed feelings about this. The extra stability from my job was really nice. It ended up taking away a lot of my motivation for a long time though.
So, the plan needs to change.
Where We’re Going

Photo by Michael on
How is a good question. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure yet what this is going to look like. That’s going to take some experimentation in the coming weeks, months, however long it takes.
For the time being, I’m going to move away from reviews until I have more time. I have some ideas to write about what I think makes a good game for me. I also plan to visit some discussions about alternate forms of role playing games. I want to explore some ideas about the very idea of what makes a narrative good and how we can make our own better. I want to talk about games. I want to talk about stories.
And, somewhere in the back of my mind, I’ve always had an idea. One day I would publish content of my own for my favourite systems. This – this right here? This is something I really want to make a go at this year.
You can keep an eye out for some of that coming in the future.
So What Do I Know?
New posts are coming this year, I promise. I can’t tell you how often I’m going to be posting. I’m hopeful to post at least once a month. Hopefully, it will be more often than that. But I promise there will be new posts on a variety of topics.
Oh, and to quote one of my favourite detectives:

At some point later this year, I’m looking to rename the site when I can afford a new domain. When I first started, it’s very clear where my focus originally was. Since that time, though, I’ve realized that I really don’t enjoy D&D as much as I once did. My concept of what a role playing is – should be, can be – has shifted. (Maybe I’ll write about that at some point?) So yeah, that’s coming at some point even though I don’t know the new name – yet.
Long story short, I’m going to write this year. I’ve been so disconnected from my hobbies and it’s done things to my morale. I know I wrote something like this before. I won’t hide that I did a poor job of following up on it. I won’t lie – my motivation is terrible and I know it. My mental health wasn’t necessarily in the best place for awhile either.
But it’s a new year. What better time to try to get back into the saddle and make another go at it?