You Don’t Learn That In School: Education on the Tabletop

Where did the time go? As it turns out, it’s September already and the year is slowly getting away from me as it always seems to. It’s been awhile since we’ve done a State of the Square so we’ll be doing one of those very soon – but that’s not what this post is about!
Since I’ve been young, I’ve always associated September with back-to-school; while I know some others return earlier, where I grew up here in Canada we traditionally had our first day of a school year on the Tuesday after Labour Day (which falls on the first Monday of September here). Even though I’ve been out of formal school for almost a decade and a half at this point, I still have a strong connection between the starting-to-cool days of September and returning to the classroom.
So, as we’re hosting this month’s RPG Blog Carnival – why not take this time to talk about education on the tabletop?

(Art via Magic: the Gathering,
Eager First-Year by Cristi Balanescu)
While my own post on the subject will be coming a little later on – probably next week once we settle down from the “getting ready for school” hubbub in the house – I invite you to write a little something about the topic on, in the spirit of the monthly event, your own blog. Once you’ve got it all written up, share it with us in the comments below (and, if you’re in the new fangled social media age, tweet it at us with #RPGBlogCarnival so we can be sure to share it out further). Then, take a look through the other posts that’ve gone up, give them and read, and share your own thoughts there as well!
As a note, WordPress is set up to require me to approve your first few comments manually; if you don’t see your comment right away, don’t worry – I generally check the queue three or four times throughout the day.
What to write about? Well, education on the tabletop of course! Do you have some inspiration about how education within your game world works (or doesn’t, as the case might be)? Awesome – write it up! Or, as an alternative take, maybe you have ideas about how tabletop gaming can be used educationally – we’d love to read those as well. As long as it centers around education and tabletop gaming, we want you to submit it!
I look forward to seeing what you’re going to share – I’ll see you back here for my own post in a few days time and at the end of the month for the round-up!
I was thinking about adapting Candlekeep Mysteries to Eberron and I was considering using the Arcane Congress as a backdrop imstead of a library. It seems I’ll have to pump the accelerator and have at least an introduction before the month ends!
I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with! There’s lots of interesting space to play around with there and I definitely want to see how you go about doing it.
Here you go, sir! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you, Rian, for hosting this month.
We searched for the best GMing education money can’t buy (and found it!):
I just realized I forgot to post my own link here! Oh no!
Touching Briefly on Nareah’s Feuerschwanz Academy