State of the Square: March 2021

Holy cripes – where did February go? It seems like I blinked and the entire month disappeared on me.
Overall, February was a little slim on the content side; I started writing a number of reviews which are still in the process of being finished up and edited and should see the light of day in the coming weeks but overall fell short of where I wanted to be during the month due to spending more time on work. The extra work, however, has lead to being able to afford upgrades to my computer much sooner – so you should soon see streams start up properly.
As for what I actually did write this last month:
- I took a look at Mage: the Awakening, Second Edition is a system review. Although the review comes far after the system was released, the game is still worth a look – it’s a worthy upgrade over its predecessor while continue with similar but streamlined systems.
- We did a review of the awesome Hogwarts-but-better D&D Actual Play, Seakmony Academy. If you haven’t read the review or – more importantly – watched the game, what are you waiting for? It’s been super fun to follow along with so far with the fifth episode having aired last Friday (you can catch them all on YouTube!).
- Following that was a review of Australian-run Vampire Fifth Edition Actual Play, City of Dread. Still in its early stages, the game shows lots of promise with a fun cast and great atmosphere. It’s definitely worth a look whether you’re new to Vampire or old-hat.
- Lastly, I participated in the RPG Blog Carnival for February with a look at the Cult of the Hidden Queen in our homebrew setting, Nareah. You can expect to see more of Nareah in the future – both development for current systems and talk of the history of the world, both in and out of character.
On top of that, I did a couple test streams where I was playing Edge of Eternity. The game itself was fun but because of issues with my computer the streams didn’t go so smoothly. I think I’ll be shelving the game for now to return to when it is finally finished – but you can expect to see more streams in the near future!
Last month, I also announced our Lancer RPG actual play, An Interesting Day, would begin soon. Well, some news on that – due to conflicting schedules, the game is currently being pushed back until April; the exact date will be known soon. However, I’ll soon be doing some prologue missions with each of the players – starting soon with the prologue of Mack, played by Zev in the very near future; keep an ear close for more.
Oh – and the campaign has been renamed: Let the World Burn Away. It’s a little more fitting title for the rough outline of a story I currently have. Everyone’s excited for this game to get underway and I hope everyone enjoys the little tastes you’ll be getting before we get fully underway.
Additionally, we’re plotting out the first stages of some one-shots and the possibility of a secondary game – I’m not ready to talk about those in any real detail yet, but I’m hoping to have some words to say about those in the coming weeks.
I won’t promise how much content the site will get in March but I’m hoping to get a couple articles a week. Life is a little busy but I’m committed to getting the site going and filled with awesome stuff for everyone. I guess I’ll just have to check back in a month at the start of April to see what we managed to accomplish!
Until then, fine folks!